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EDUCATORS and PARENTS must elect school board leaders who see, support, and grow the brilliance of EVERY SINGLE CHILD in the state of Michigan. 

At VoteForMiKids, we lead with our values. This November, we support local school board candidates who will promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice programming in schools to help our children lead fulfilling and successful lives long after they've left the classroom.

Sign Up to be an Education Justice Voter for 2024 HERE

Our Public Schools must be fully and equitably funded

  • Increase public school funding by a minimum of $3.7 billion.
  • Implement a weighted funding formula that equitably disperses funding based on need.
  • Raise teacher salaries.
  • Increase funding for special education and English Language Learner programs & resources.

Our Public Schools must prioritize and invest in mental health

  • Increase funding for social workers, trauma counselors, and school psychologists, for students and staff.
  • Mandated, on-going professional development in restorative & transformative justice in schools.
  • Replacing exclusionary practices (suspension and expulsion) with restorative justice practices.
  • Invest in programs that allow teachers to foster relationships with parents and families.

Curriculum should be rooted in the principles of anti-racism, anti-oppression, anti-semitism and trauma-responsive practices

  • Public school curriculum needs to be culturally-sustaining, and project-based.
  • Teachers must have autonomy and flexibility to adapt curriculum to fit local context.
  • Mandated, on-going professional development on anti-racism, anti-semitism, and implicit biases for all school staff.

Our Platform

Our Healthy and Healing School Platform lays the foundation of our core values. In addition, we want to be clear on where we stand on critical issues facing our youth and school communities.

Our youth deserve schools that are safe and affirming and provide honest and accurate information regarding our bodies and relationships

  • Inclusive of transgender and non-binary youth and educators.
  • Affirming of LGBTQIA+ students and staff.
  • Promoting safe sex.
  • Professional development for all staff to ensure a safe and supportive school culture.
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Our schools must work to disrupt the school to prison pipeline by building relationships with youth and families

  • Armed guards, police and security resource officers need to be replaced with mentors, social workers and partnerships with community based programs.
  • Schools should have access to the Communities in Schools Program.
  • Students with disabilities should not be disciplined for behaviors associated with their disabilities.

Our school districts must have a selection and reconsideration policy for library and media materials

  • Books cannot be removed from a print or e-book library collection until a formal decision has been made by the reconsideration committee. 
  • All schools should have a certified school librarian to select materials to support all students and to represent diverse points of view.
Supporting candidates who will fight for healthy and healing community schools
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